- First and only producer
- Unique product
- Patented in EU/AUT (AT517971 IPC A61H019/00) and US patent pending (US 2018/0303703 A1)
- Strong connections to shoemakers
- High margin business
- Competent and connected management team
- E-Mail list with over 2.000 interested customers
- Strong connections to admins of our core interest group’s leading websites
- Weak brand
- Weak starting-cash-balance
- Further R&D needed
- Unfulfilled customer needs
- Operation expansion to high growth markets (e.g.: China, India, and Africa)
- An idea that excites professionals with market knowledge
- Established sex toy retailers already expressed interest in the product
- Wave of sexual liberation
- Various design options
- High dark figure of potential customers
- Fear of customers to express their needs to their partner
- Copycats
- Uncertainty regarding international trade due to COVID-19
- Inability to meet high demand in early months